Risk Assessment

Risk Assessments are the starting blocks to managing health and safety in your facilities.

Easy To Build & Edit Tasks

The Risk Assessments application makes it easy to create and amend documents while tracking all changes. 

The software reminds all relevant users when reviews or further actions are due. Your users can then access them anywhere on any device, making them available on the go.

Simple Management of Users

Our risk assessment software ensures that your team has read and understood the latest changes to any risk assessments.  

OpsPal ensures that risk assessments can be updated easily in real-time as rules change. This is especially important with any Covid guidelines that are being revised. All documents can be communicated to any department, staff groups or individual members.

Any problems found within the risk assessment matrix can be logged and managed to completion with an easy to view dashboard, allowing you to see exactly what stage your issues and solutions are at.

Risk Assessments Dark Mode

Keep Users Up To Date with Reminders

OpsPals risk assessment software keeps track of review dates making sure there will never be a missed review again. 

OpsPal will tell you what needs assessing and when, drawing attention to upcoming reviews.  When reviewing risk assessments it is easy to update them and a full audit log of all changes is kept within the software.

At a Glance

Using our risk assessment software will give full confidence to the senior leader team that staff are trained and have read and understood all risk assessments that match their job title.

  • Assurance that your team have read and understood the latest changes
  • Single version, easily updated as rules change (Covid guidelines)
  • Problems logged and managed to completion
  • No more missed review dates
  • Full audit log of all changes made
  • Communicate to Department, Staff Groups, and individual staff members
  • Version control is not an issue anymore
  • Translate to other languages via the browser
  • Mobile friendly – can be viewed on anything that has internet access
  • Print to PDF if needed
  • Quick re-read option after edits
  • Copy function to speed up the build process

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Our expert team are happy to answer any questions you may have

Mobile Friendly

Mobile optimized to work across all devices and platforms.

Full Audit Logging

Full audit logging on all activities and actions in your sites.

Full Support

OpsPal provides its users with full 24/7 technical support.