How to choose the best task setting management software for your organisation

mockup of a woman working on a MacBook

Modern-day life means we are busier than ever, so it is more important to be able to manage our time well.   The fact of the matter is that a lot of us aren’t very good at time management, so anything to help is always welcomed.

Using time effectively could help boost productivity and performance.  So, what one thing could help you and your team use your time more effectively?

Using software in your organisation can help in many ways, including documenting your procedures, keeping risk assessments up to date and what we will discuss in this blog, the automation of the organisation’s tasks.   Task management software can benefit an organisation massively and help toward the overall smart facility management.

Using task management software will help you and your staff streamline important tasks, automate processes and improve communication across the business as a whole.

What is task management?

Task management is the process of managing, and prioritising your project’s tasks through all stages from start to finish. The goal is the successful completion of the tasks on time.

What is task management software and why is it needed?

Task log on iphone
OpsPal’s Task app helps keep you and your team organised

Task management software automates the process of managing an individual or team’s task list.

Task management is often complex for the following reasons.  The completion of a task is often dependent on the successful conclusion of other related tasks.  Bigger tasks will often have smaller tasks associated with them, other people may be responsible for these tasks, making them harder to manage.

Multiple tasks may need to be delegated or worked on collaboratively with fellow team members.
Some tasks will be recurring and need to be repeated weekly or even daily.  The majority of tasks need to be completed by a deadline.

All these factors lead to making managing tasks a necessity.  An automated task management software is the ideal solution.

What can we do for task setting and keeping track of tasks?

So it is clear that task setting and management are very important, making it vital to keep on top of the tasks.

We believe that task management software like OpsPal is the best option.

An unorganised team means tasks take longer to complete.  The longer tasks take to complete the more time and money is wasted.

What can a good facility management software do?

Task dashboard tabletAutomate tasks

A good task setting software can help you to automate every recurring task, set different priority levels, and check the status of multiple projects in real-time. Freeing you and your team up to focus on the more important projects. Think of all the hours wasted on admin when you could be getting on with other work.

Enhance collaboration and communication

Using task setting software in your organisation enables you to collaborate remotely in real-time, through all departments from cleaners to managers. Tasks can be easily assigned, and everyone is in the know about what is going on.  Feedback can be delivered instantly from all departments, ensuring any problems that occur are dealt with as quickly as possible.  Having tasks assigned in smart facility management software gives accountability to the owner of the tasks.  The whole team knows who is responsible for what tasks.

Task Monitoring

Facility management software that includes task setting gives the users a dashboard with an overview of every task due to be completed by every member of the team, in real-time so you can see what has been started in any part of the building at any given time.

Having this insight into ongoing tasks makes it effortless to track tasks and keep you up-to-date.


See how OpsPals Task App could help your business


What task setting & management software should you choose for your facility?   

mockup of a woman working on a MacBook


If you are an operations manager looking for the best overall Smart Facility Management software with a task setting app then OpsPal is the one for you.

OpsPals’ cloud-based software platform is designed to work on the go from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.  No special hardware is needed just a standard device.  All organisations can benefit from OpsPal no matter the size, there is no cost per user so the price you are quoted is transparent no extras (unless you exceed your storage, but we haven’t had that happen yet!).

On top of the Task Setting application, there is a Risk Management App, a Procedures App and a Problem Manager.  These features in our cloud facility management software, are all aimed at helping you run streamlined operations in your business.  All are designed to ensure managers can run their facilities to the best of their abilities.

Get on with Real work, not Paperwork


Choose software that will level up your organisation, choose OpsPal

To see what the fuss is about book a business consultation and demo here


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