Universities | Colleges | Schools
OpsPal was built by the director of sport at Reading University because he couldn’t find anything on the market that could run the whole of operations, which is why we were selected by some of the UK’s best universities. Built specifically for the Education market

The Smart Operations Software for Education
Caretakers and facility management can easily update and complete Risk audits, Heads of department can ensure policies are updated and communicated to teams within a couple of clicks
Board members can easily see progress and sign off policy updates with the live dashboards that will ensure the schools drive the standards up

Simple Management of Users
Our risk assessment software ensures that your team has read and understood the latest changes to any risk assessments.
OpsPal ensures that risk assessments can be updated easily in real-time as rules change. This is especially important with any Covid guidelines that are being revised. All documents can be communicated to any department, staff groups or individual members.
Any problems found within the risk assessment matrix can be logged and managed to completion with an easy to view dashboard, allowing you to see exactly what stage your issues and solutions are at.

Policies and procedures driving up education standards
Board members sign off done with ease. Combined location for schemes of learning is easy to source. Sharing best practice with the touch of a button to other departments
Induction of new staff or covering teachers now becomes seamless.
all relevant documentation in place and accessible to those who may need it

Governance and Checks
Easy digital reminders to ensure actions are completed when they are needed; action plan management such as:
-Meeting follow-up
-Professional Development
-School initiatives such as literacy or oracy
-Self-evlavuation plans
Full audit logs make governance simple for checks such as:
-Building & Grounds
-Preventative Manitenance
-Pre Term