OpsPal offers complete in-app support to users
View all support tickets
The Help and Support area provides users with access to view their raised support tickets and those raised by other users within your organisation.
Users can log a support ticket, and all support responses and updates to tickets are notified to users within OpsPal. OpsPal is committed to ensuring that no support ticket is closed until a customer is completely satisfied with our response and resolution, keeping users in control of their support ticket. A closed ticket can easily be reopened by a user replying to the support thread.

Support videos for every training topic
OpsPal understands that users absorb information in different ways, so we have created short training videos accessible at any time to support user learning as well as pictorial step-by-step guides for those that like to work through a topic in smaller steps.
Click on the Help & Support icon in your user notification area to access the Support Knowledge Base of 50+ videos or via the drop-down menu. Videos
Use the search bar to find your video quicker, with chapters included in the videos so you can skip to the exact section you need.

Community Area
This area is where you can ask questions, offer ideas and help us develop the product to do the things “you” need it to do.
We answer every request and let you and the rest of the community see the outcome.
There is also a voting system where you can contribute to future developments. The most votes from our customers will determine our plan of attack when it comes to improvements and future developments.