
OpsPal will help you run all the operations needed in your charity business.

Charity Operations Software looks after your staff and the facilities, giving you and your volunteers reminders and helping you keep all operational data up to date. 

Easy To Build & Edit Tasks

With a simple word upload function, you can be up and running in no time, easy to edit and re-train at the touch of a button

Staff can use a tablet, computer, or mobile phone to run the basics of the business; inducting new staff and volunteers becomes simple.

Live dashboards for single or multiple sites.

Risk management made simple.

Our risk assessment software ensures that your team has read and understood the latest changes to any risk assessments.

OpsPal ensures that risk assessments can be updated easily in real-time as rules change. This is especially important with any Covid guidelines that are being revised. All documents can be communicated to any department, staff groups or individual members.

Any problems found within the risk assessment matrix can be logged and managed to completion with an easy to view dashboard, allowing you to see exactly what stage your issues and solutions are at.

Checks & Governance

  • The type of governing document you’ll need depends on your specific charity structure (unincorporated association, CIO, charitable company, etc.)
  • It is quick and simple to set up new checks using copy and paste or replicating paper-based systems digitally.
  • Instant visibility of checks allocated to staff teams and individuals
  • Ability to add problems and quick tasks while on the go, all gathered in Problem Manager according to their current status
  • Full audit logs are instantly reportable to improve governance.
  • Continuous improvement to service levels by learning from missed checks
  • We use a traffic light system to show which checks are available, active, and past due.


  • Sample business checks that might apply:
Governing Document
Fire checks
Preventative maintenance
Due Diligence
Running events
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