Real-life challenges
We created a series of challenges that businesses face on a regular basis, highlighting how these common tasks can be completed in minimal time but with maximum results. Some of these challenges without a product such as OpsPal are extremely laborious, sometimes to the extent that businesses just don’t bother to do them, though they are crucial to the business’s success.
Challenge 1: Collating all the information needed for an incident.
Are all risk assessments up-to-date? Have the staff who needed to read them? Are procedures up-to-date? Have the staff who needed to read them? Have all the checks and tasks been completed?
Objective: Collate all the data in under 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Challenge 2: Shift check
Check on what needs to be completed, what has been started, if anything is overdue, and what actions have been completed on the shift for 4 departments.
Objective: Pull together the data in under 1 minute
Challenge 3: Identify what staff have been trained across an entire site
Check the percentage of staff who have been trained across the entire site for every part of their job role. Identify the level of induction training for all teams.
Objective: Obtain the data in under 1 minute