Multiple View Dashboards

OpsPal offers a holistic view of your business. Have a look below to find out more about the benefits of these views, which enable you to focus on a specific area with just a click. 

Organisation Overview

This view provides a 'helicopter' overview of activity across all the sites within the whole organisation at a glance. The multiple-site view helps management focus their attention where it is needed most.
The information available in this view:

Site Overview

Site view provides managers with a detailed insight into what is happening real-time within a site, including team activity and jobs assigned so that they can prioritise their actions on where it is needed most at that point in time. No laborious searching for information, just instant access to their operational data, enabling them to proactively respond to problems and drive their service standards.
The information available in this view:

Team View

Teams are quick to create and easy to allocate all the essential information needed for the role. Provides a clear summary of the duties expected from each team, helping to drive consistency of staff inductions to a high quality and standard.

The information available in this view:

User view

The User view is the personalised activity view for every OpsPal user when they login. Providing a summary record of when they logged in, their read and understood ratings across Risk Assessments and Procedures apps, and the task completion activity in the last seven days. Their current training records are listed with 90-day advance expiry reminders for courses that require renewal, and their certificates can be viewed and downloaded.
An OpsPal To-Do's area provides a dynamic listing of the activities that the user requires to complete and interactively guides the user to each task and, upon completion, returns them to the next activity on their to-do list. New staff inductions are easily delivered by assigning mandatory information to the user from day one, recording their activity progress, ready for their check-in with a manager.

The information available in this view:

Email overview & weekly reminders

OpsPal is designed to inform users at all team levels without excessive messaging, minimising emails to recipients so that they can focus on their operational duties.

The information available in this view:

Risk App

All current risk information is kept in one place, including risk assessments,
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) risk assessments and risk action plans.
The information available in this app:

Procedures App

The Procedures app includes every organisational document, from policies to standards, encompassing every piece of information that an employee needs for their job role. Procedures can be searched using key words and sorted by field headings of title, category, review date, and owner. One click to edit and update a procedure before allocating it to teams and individual users. Supports staff during and after their inductions, as all information they need is instantly accessible wherever and whenever they need it.
The information available in this app:

Task App

Staff use the Task app to identify exactly what jobs require to be completed by teams on a daily basis. Keeping on top of your operations is made simple with an intuitive real-time user interface designed to help you provide the best service possible to your customers.

Tasks can be any job or check to be performed by any team role or specific individual user, e.g., opening and closing checks, fire point testing, preventative maintenance. Tasks tiles are framed in grey as not yet due, green as available to start, amber as started, and red if overdue or missed, helping managers to focus their attention to where it is needed most.

Training Matrix

The Training Matrix collates all staff training records across all courses into one easy-to-access area. Training course completion progress is visible per course, informing managers of who still needs to complete a course. For each training course, more detailed information is available, including the list of staff users assigned to the course, their completion status, certification (optional), and expiry status (optional). With 90-day advance expiry reminders, helping staff to stay compliant with mandatory training. All training information is live and dynamically links to their user profile area.

Problem Manager

Problem Manager brings all the site and team activity into one visual interactive dashboard. Each app tile takes the user directly to the area concerned, making it quick and simple to navigate to the details and take action. The red-amber-green rating helps the user to visually priortise where they need to look first. The objective is to aim for all the app tiles to be green; if not, then take action where it is needed.

All activity logged, reportable, downloadable
Accessible in seconds

Every single piece of activity in OpsPal is recorded and accessible via the report logs in every app within seconds.

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